Understanding Computer Programs According to Experts

Understanding Computer Programs According to Experts
Understanding Programs - Computers, Examples, Activities, Experts: A program is a set of instructions that are used as computer regulators in order to carry out certain commands.

13 Definition of the Program According to Experts and Complete Examples
Understanding the Program
The program is a set of instructions that are used as computer regulators to be able to run certain commands. Without the program, the computer actually can not do anything. Just like an empty machine. The program is part of several important aspects of a computer. There may also be an assumption that computers cover three important aspects. The components are as follows.
A computer program is a set of instructions written to carry out specific functions on a computer. Computers in general require the existence of programs in order to carry out their functions, generally this is done by executing a set of program instructions on the processor.

software (software) in this case a program,
brainware or people who play a role in computer operations and software development (operators).

Understanding Computer Programs
A computer program is a large list of commands to be performed by a computer, perhaps with data in a table. Many computer programs contain millions of commands, and many of them are carried out repeatedly. A common modern personal computer (in 2003) can carry out around 2-3 billion orders in a second.
Computers do not get their extraordinary abilities through the ability to carry out complex commands. But they do millions of simple commands arranged by smart people, programmers. "Good programmers develop sets of commands to do ordinary tasks (for example, drawing points on the screen) and then make those sets of commands available to other programmers."
Nowadays, it seems like most computers could do several things at once. This is usually referred to as a dual task. In fact, the UPS executes an order from one program, then after a while, the UPS switches to the second program and carries out several commands.
This small time interval is often referred to as a time slice. This creates the delusion of a multiple-fold program that is carried out simultaneously by giving the UPS time between programs. This is similar to how a film is just a series of lightning still framing.

15 Understanding the Program According to Experts
The following are definitions defined by experts. Let's look at the explanation below

The program is an excretion, word, or statement that is strung together and arranged into a unified procedure, in the form of a sequence of steps, to be able to solve the problem given by using a programming language so that it can be executed by a computer.

According to KKBI
Programs in computer science are programs that were created specifically to enable computers to perform certain functions.

Amikom Yogyakarta
The program is a collection of computer instructions, while the stages and systematic methods in a program are algorithms.

Ema Utami
The program is a collection of programming languages.

Sugiyono (2005: 21)
The program is a series of instructions in computer language that are arranged systematically and logically.

Yulikuspartono (2009: 29)
The program is a series of statements or instructions in a language understood by the computer concerned.

Anwar Harjono
The program is a sequence of instructions so that it can run a computation.

Saifuddin Anshari
The program is a detailed list of businesses and ways to be implemented.

Sunarto, S.Kom
The program is a set of interactions that are realized in the form of language, schematic code, and so on, if combined with media that can be read with a computer will be able to make the computer work so that it can perform its special functions, and also preparation in designing certain interactions.

Wiryanto Dewobroto
The program is the result of compiling detailed steps of the solution (algorithm) of a problem.

Binanto (2009: 1)
According to Binanto, programming can be interpreted in several ways, as follows:
Describe separate instructions which are usually referred to as Souce Code created by the programmer.
Describe an entire piece of executable software.
A program is a collection or collection of written instructions created by a programmer or an executable part of a piece of software.
Programming means creating a computer program.
Programming is a collection of sequences of commands to the computer to do something. These commands require a separate language that can be understood by the computer.

The program is a collection of sequential statements and almost the same thing used is to tell the computer how to carry out subuah work.

Janner Simarmata
A program is an application that is created using a specific program language and is installed on the computer.

A computer program is a set of instructions written to carry out specific functions on a computer.

Agoeng Widyatmoko
The program is the application of the results of the analysis of problem solving made in the form of computer programs.

Example Program
The use of arithmetic operations expressions that produce values, for example: 2 + 2 produces the value 4. And the command that encompasses the delegation of values from the arithmetic operations into a variable, for example: x: = 2 + 2; if x = 4 then do something ().