Database: Components and Hierarchy

Database: Components and Hierarchy
Understanding Database, Components, Hierarchy, Usage and Purpose: Is a collection of data that are interconnected with one another, stored on computer hardware and used software to manipulate it. The relation is usually indicated by the key of each file that exists.

Understanding Database
The database is a collection of data that are interconnected with one another, stored on computer hardware and used software to manipulate it. The relation is usually indicated by the key of each file that exists. A database shows a data set that is used in an installation or company scope.

The application of the database is able to overcome data collection problems namely:
Data redundancy and inconsistency
Trouble accessing data
Isolate data for standardization
Multiple users (many users)
Security Issues
Integration problem
Data independence issues
For the general database design stage what needs to be done by the analysis is to first identify the files needed by the information system. Database files needed by the system can be seen in the design of the model which is described in the form of a data flow diagram. General database design steps are as follows: 13

Determine database file requirements for the new system
The required files can be determined from the new system DAD that has been created
Specifies the parameters of the database files
After the required files can be determined, the parameters of the next file can also be determined. These parameters include:
Type of file: parent file, transaction file, temporary file, etc.
Media files: hard disk, diskette, or magnetic tape
Organization of files: whether traditional files (sequence files, ISAM or direct access files) or database organizations (tiered structure, networks or relationships)
Field and file fields

Database System
Database system is a system consisting of a collection of files that are interconnected and allows several other users or programs to access and manipulate these files. In a database system there are main components namely; hardware, software, databases, users14.

Database System
The database system has several components, namely; 9
Database file, this file has data elements stored in one of the database file organization formats.
Database management system (Data Based Management System), is a group of software programs that process databases, control access to databases, maintain database security, and perform other tasks.
A host language interface system, a part of the DBMS that communicates with application programs, interprets high-level language instructions for application programs, such as Cobol and Fortan, which require data files.
Application programs, have the same functions as conventional systems, only the data files are independent and use standard data definitions. Mutual independence and standardization make program development younger and faster. The usual application program uses the host language interface system which is usually made by professional programmers.
A natural language interface system, a query language that allows users to get information about what is available on a computer system. The language used is usually English, because the input instructions are short commands in English.
Data dictionary, is a center for storing information about data from a database that contains a database scheme. The data dictionary contains database file information, data access rules, data security and data information conditions. The DBMS receives a request from a program and accesses the data dictionary to see if the program has the data reached and ensures the location of the data in the database.

Data, Information and Database
Data is a fact about an object such as humans, objects, events, concepts, conditions and so on that can be recorded and have an implicit meaning. Data can be expressed in the form of numbers, characters or symbols, so that when data is collected and interconnected it is known as a database (database) [Ramez2000]. Information is data that has been organized into a form that suits a person's needs [Abdul1999].
According to the Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Engineers, scientists in the field of information accept a standard definition of information that is the data used in decision making. Another definition of a database according to Fabbri and Schwab is an integrated file system designed primarily to minimize data duplication. According to Ramez Elmasri, defining databases is more limited to specific implicit meanings, namely:

The database is the presentation of an aspect of the real world (real world).
The database is a collection of data from various sources which logically has an implicit meaning.
Databases need to be designed, built and data collected for a purpose. The database can be used by several users and several applications in accordance with the interests of the user.
From some of these definitions, it can be said that the database has various data sources in data collection, varying the degree of interaction of events from the real world, designed and built so that it can be used by several users for various purposes

Data Hierarchy
Data is organized into data elements (fields), records, and files. The definitions of the three are as follows:
The data element is the smallest unit of data that cannot be broken down again into other units
meaningful. For example student data consists of NIS, Name, Address, Telephone or Gender.
Records are a combination of a number of interrelated data elements. Another term for recording is line or tuple.
A file is a collection of all records of the same type.

Data Base Management System (DBMS)
DBMS can be interpreted as a computer program used to enter, change, delete, modify and obtain data / information practically and efficiently.

A database management system (DBMS) that is widely used on microcomputers introduced by Ashton-Tate for CP / M computers and later for Apple II, Apple Macintosh and IBM PC platforms with DOS, which has been one of the best-selling software for several years. at the time. The inability of dBASE to trade with newer operations, Microsoft Windows eventually made use of dBASE superseded by other newer products such as Paradox, Clipper, Foxpro and Microsoft Access. Dbase ownership was finally sold to Borland in 1991 and in 1999 Borland sold the rights to the dBASE product line to a new Dbase Inc. company. Starting in the mid 1980s many vendors made dialects or variations on their products or in their own languages. These include FoxPro (now known as Visual FoxPro), Quicksilver, Clipper, Xbase ++, Flagship, and Harbor. They are what are known as xBase or Xbase. The basic dBase file format, known as file.dbf, is currently one of the most widely used formats by many applications that require a simple format for storing structured data. Dbase is licensed to its users for a period of five years in a period that is not possible for users to operate Dbase during that time period.

Firebird or also called FirebirdSQL is a relational database management system that offers features contained in the ANSI SQL-99 and SQL-2003 standards. RDBMS runs well on Linux, Windows and on a number of Unix platforms. Firebird is directed and maintained by the FirebirdSQL Foundation. It is a derivative of Borland's open source version of Interbase. New code modules are added to Firebird and licensed under the Initial Developer's Public License (IDPL) while the original modules are released by Inprise licensed under the InterBase Public License 1.0. both licenses are modified versions of the Mozilla Public License 1.1.