Definition and Function of Data
Definition of Data
According to language, data is a plural form of the word datum (Latin) which means something given. According to the terms, the notion of data is a collection of information or information obtained from observations, that information can be in the form of numbers, symbols or traits. In daily life data means a statement that is accepted as is. This means that the data obtained from various sources is still a supposition or fact because it has not been further processed. After being processed through a research or experiment, the data can be transformed into more complex forms such as databases, information or even solutions to certain problems.
The data that has been processed will turn into information that can be used to increase knowledge for those who receive it. So in this case the data can be considered as objects and information is a subject that is useful for the recipient. Information can also be referred to as the result of data processing or processing.
For company employees, data can be in the form of working hours. This data will then be processed and converted into information. If the employee's working hours are multiplied by the hourly value, it will produce a certain value. If the description of each employee's income is then added up, it will generate a salary recapitulation to be paid by the company. Payroll is information for business owners. Information is the result of the process of existing data, or can be interpreted as data that has meaning. Information will open everything that is not yet known.
Understanding Data According to Experts
Slamet Riyadi
According to Slamet Riyadi the data is a collection of information obtained from observations where the data can be numbers or symbols.
Kuswadi and E. Pearl
Data according to Kuswadi and E. Pearl is a collection of information obtained from an observation can be numbers, figures or properties
According to Kristanto, Data is a fact about objects that can reduce the degree of uncertainty about a situation and event.
Zulkifli A.M
Understanding data according to Zulkifli A.M is a statement, evidence or fact about a fact that is still raw (original) that has not been processed.
Nuzulla Agustina
The definition of data according to Nuzulla Agustina is a description of something that has often happened and in the form of a collection of facts, figures, graph tables, pictures, symbols, words, letters, which states something thought, object, and conditions and situations.
According to Arikunto, data is defined as all facts and figures that can be used as material for compiling information.
Lia Kusamadno
According to Lia Kusamadno, data is an event that actually occurs in daily life.
Supriyanto and Ahmad Muhsin
According to him data is the raw material of information or symbols that represent the kuntitas, facts, actions of objects, etc.
Anhar defines data as things known or assumed, which means that the data is something that is known or considered.
Data function
Data has several functions including:
To make a decision,
As a basis for planning,
As a controlling tool for the implementation or implementation of an activity, and
As a basis for evaluating an activity.
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Types of Data
Based on the type of data are grouped into two types namely, qualitative data and quantitative data.
Qualitative data
Is data that shows the quality or quality of something that exists, both processes, conditions, events, events and others that are expressed in the form of questions or in the form of words. Determination of the quality of the data according to the ability to provide value about how the quality of something. For example: the woman is beautiful, the man is cool, kind, handsome, happy, the price of oil goes up, the house is small and so on. This data is generally obtained from interviews and is subejktif, because the data can be interpreted differently by different. Qualitative data can be changed or quantified in the form of ordinal or ranking.
Classifying qualitative data from its type into the following:
Category data
data stated in order to show that a situation, process, or event belongs to a certain group or party. For example from research on layoffs, data are included in 3 groups, consisting of: those who want severance are given 3 months for all who are laid off, those who want severance pay for those who have worked for one year or more, and those who want all not given severance pay.
Data showing portions
the data of each circumstance is stated in words which are a comparison with the ideal or the whole. For example, research on the level of community income that produces: a large proportion of medium income, which means also a small portion of low and high income.
Data tiered or increased
data stated in words to show that a situation or event is included in a certain level of quality above or below average quality. For example: in a study of the embodiment of the Pancasila way of life with regard to the principle of Godhead in a high school environment. The data for that is expressed in qualitative terms in the form of words: very good, good, medium, bad, and very bad.
Data that is relative
data stated in words to show that a situation or event is something whose existence can change. The data is stated in words, always, often, sometimes, rarely, never, and so forth. for example in a study of tourism it is questionable whether to ever use a day off with his family for a picnic abroad, which is answered, always, sometimes, sometimes and so on.
Conflicting data
data that states if one exists, then the other does not exist about a situation, event or process that will be disclosed in a study. This data illustrates the extreme conditions on two opposing sides, which are stated in words: agree - disagree, true - false, positive - negative, sufficient - not enough, and so on. It is not uncommon for researchers to try to include a moderate or average state between these two extremes, but for a study it is not meaningful, because the results require a firmness.
Neutral conditions in society towards a renewal, means more negative. conditions of doubt will be more about disagreeing than agreeing. Conditions are almost permissible, actually means not permissible, as well as almost enough which means not enough. This conflicting situation applies to conditions, events and processes that demand extreme conditions as a measure.
Qualitative data relies on the process of thinking in carrying out interpretations and drawing conclusions, therefore the interpretation of qualitative data is influenced by the ability to think and viewpoints, so the range of research results will vary greatly in breadth and depth. The same data might be interpreted differently because the viewpoints used in the thinking process are different. So it can be said the results of the study are subjective.
Quantitative Data
Is data in the form of numbers as the results of measurements or observations. For example the price of sugar is Rp 12,000 / kg, Dedi's body weight is 58 kg, and so forth. Quantitative data is obtained from direct measurements and from figures obtained by changing qualitative data into quantitative data. Quantitative data has an objective nature and can be interpreted equally by everyone.