Understanding of Marketing Strategies and Concepts
Marketing Strategy - Definition, Function, Concepts, Types, Segmentation, Benefits, Kinds, Experts: Strategy is the science and art of using the best possible joint capabilities of resources and the environment.
Marketing strategy
Understanding Strategy
Strategy is the science and art of using the best possible shared resources and environment effectively. There are four important elements in the understanding of strategy, namely: ability, resources, environment, and goals. These four elements, in such a way are put together rationally and beautifully so that several alternative choices emerge which are then evaluated and taken the best. The formulation of the strategy does not always provide information on what will be done, why it is done that way, who is responsible and operational, how much will it cost and how long will it be implemented, what results will be obtained.
Finally, not forgetting the existence of a strategy must be consistent with the environment, have alternative strategies, focus on excellence and overall, consider the presence of risk, and equipped with social responsibility. In short, the strategies set must not neglect goals, capabilities, resources, and the environment. The existence of a strategy has a relatively long period of time. That, implies the prediction of environmental change is important to get attention.
In the field of management, the definition of strategy is quite diverse and varies from several experts and authors. Gerry Johnson and Kevan Scholes (in the book "Exploring Corporate Strategy") for example define strategy as the long-term direction and scope of the organization to gain excellence through the configuration of natural resources and the changing environment to meet market needs and meet the expectations of interested parties.
Henry Mintzberg defines strategy as 5P, namely:
strategy as PERSPECTIVE,
strategy as POSITION,
strategy as PLANNING,
strategy as a PATTERN of activities,
strategy as "FRAUD" (Ploy)
namely secret deception. As a Perspective, where the strategy in shaping the mission, the mission describes the perspective of all activities. As Position, where the choice to compete is sought. As a plan, in terms of strategy determine the company's performance goals. As a pattern of activities, where in the strategy formed a pattern, namely feedback and adjustments.
From various definitions and definitions of strategy, in general it can be defined that the strategy is a plan of a series of maneuvers, which includes all visible and invisible elements, to ensure the success of achieving goals.
Understanding of Marketing According to Experts
There are several definitions of marketing from several experts including:
Philip Kotler (Marketing)
marketing is a human activity that is directed to meet the needs and desires through the exchange process.
According to Philip Kotler and Armstrong marketing
is as a social and managerial process that makes individuals and groups get what they need and want through the creation and mutual exchange of products and values with others.
Marketing in General
is a total system of business activities designed to plan, determine prices, promote and distribute goods that can satisfy the desires and reach the target market and company goals.
According to W Stanton
marketing is an overall system of business activities aimed at planning, pricing, promoting and distributing goods and services that can satisfy the needs of both buyers and potential buyers.
If we draw conclusions about the definition of marketing is a combination of activities that are interconnected to determine consumer needs and develop promotions, distribution, services and prices so that consumer needs can be satisfied with a certain level of profit.
With the marketing of consumers, there is no need to fulfill personal needs individually by exchanging between consumers and marketers so that there will be plenty of consumer time for activities that are controlled or preferred.