Understanding of Marketing, Objectives and Concepts According to Experts
Marketing - Definition, Objectives, Functions, Concepts, Types, Strategies, Experts: Marketing is the process of preparing integrated communication that aims to provide information about goods or services in relation to satisfying human needs and desires.
Marketing strategy
Understanding of Marketing
Marketing is the process of preparing integrated communication which aims to provide information about goods or services in relation to satisfying human needs and desires. Marketing begins with the fulfillment of human needs which then grows into human desires. For example, a human needs water to meet thirsty needs.
If there is a glass of thirsty water needs will be met. But humans not only want to fulfill their needs, but also want to fulfill their desires, for example a glass of Aqua brand water that is clean and easy to carry. The man then chose a bottle of Aqua needed by thirst and desire that was also easy to carry.
The process of fulfilling human needs and desires which is a marketing concept. Starting from the fulfillment of the product (product), price (price), delivery of goods (place), and promote goods (promotion). Someone who works in marketing is called a marketer. Marketers must have knowledge in marketing concepts and principles so that marketing activities can be achieved in accordance with human needs and desires, especially intended consumers.
Understanding of Marketing According to Experts
Kotler & Armstrong
Marketing is the managerial process of people in getting what they want and need through the creation and exchange of products offered and the value of their products to others.
Philp Kotler
A human activity aimed at meeting the needs of society through an exchange process.
Philip & Duncan
Marketing is something that consists of all the steps used to place goods that are bought and sold to buyers or consumers.
Large Language Dictionary
Marketing is a process; way; working in merchandise marketing; middle-class subjects spread across the wider community.
According to W. Y. Stanton
Marketing is something that covers all systems related to the purpose of planning and pricing up to promoting and distributing goods and services that can satisfy the needs of actual and potential buyers.
According to Wikipedia
Marketing is the process of preparing integrated communication and aims to provide information about the goods or services purchased and sold related to meeting the wants and needs of the community.
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Based on the above definition, the marketing process starts from finding what consumers want. Which ultimately has marketing objectives, namely:
Potential consumers to know in detail the products we produce and companies can provide all their requests for our products.
The company can explain in detail all activities related to marketing. This marketing activity includes a variety of activities, ranging from product description, product design, product promotion, product advertising, communication to consumers, to product delivery to reach consumers' hands quickly.
Get to know and understand the customer so that this product is suitable and can be sold by itself.
In general, marketing activities are related to the coordination of several business activities. This marketing strategy is influenced by factors such as the following:
Micro factors, namely marketing intermediaries, suppliers, competitors and the public
Macro factors, namely demography / economy, politics / law, technology / physical and social / culture.
Here are things to consider for marketing: From a seller's perspective:
A strategic place
Product quality
Competitive price
An intense promotion
From a consumer's perspective:
Consumer needs and desires
Consumer costs
From what has been discussed above there are some things that can be concluded, that the manufacture of products or services desired by consumers must be the focus of company operations and planning. Sustainable marketing must coordinate well with various departments (not only in marketing), so as to create synergies in efforts to carry out marketing activities.
Marketing Objectives
The purpose of marketing is to attract attention and make interest. Marketing can create a brand image, to change that image and make people interested in what you sell. Marketing of products or services has never been done especially with billboards and print advertisements and is now generally done online and through social media. Marketing efforts, approaches and messages continue to grow. Instead of changing your product to keep up with changing times and tastes, you can change your marketing to make the product look as if it doesn't exist.
Marketing Functions
1. Exchange Function
With marketing buyers can buy products from producers either by exchanging money with products or exchanging products for products (barter) for their own use or for resale.
2. Physical Distribution Function
Physical distribution of a product is done by transporting and storing products. Products transported from producers approach consumers' needs in many ways through water, land, air, etc. Storage of products prioritizes maintaining product supply so as not to lack when needed.
3. Intermediary Function
To deliver products from the hands of producers to consumers, it can be done through marketing intermediaries that link exchange activities with physical distribution. Intermediary function activities include risk reduction, financing, information search and product standardization / classification.
Marketing concept
The core concepts of marketing include: needs, wants, demands, production, utilities, values and satisfaction; exchanges, transactions and market relations, marketing and markets. We can distinguish between needs, wants and requests. The need is felt the absence of a state certain basic satisfaction. Desire is a strong desire for satisfaction that is specific to deeper needs. Whereas Demand is the desire for specific products that are supported by the ability and willingness to buy it.
Various Marketing Concepts
The marketing concept says that the key to achieving organizational goals consists of determining the needs and desires of the target market and providing the expected satisfaction more effectively and efficiently than competitors.
In marketing there are six concepts that are the basis of the implementation of an organization's marketing activities, namely: the concept of production, product concepts, sales concepts, marketing concepts, social marketing concepts, and global marketing concepts.
Production concept
The concept of production believes that consumers will like products that are available everywhere and the price is cheap. This concept is oriented towards production by exerting all efforts to achieve high product efficiency and broad distribution. Here the task of management is to produce as many goods as possible, because consumers are considered to be receiving products that are widely available with their purchasing power.
Product concept
The product concept says that consumers will like products that offer the best quality, performance and characteristics. The task of management here is to make quality products, because consumers are considered to like high-quality products in appearance with the best features
Sales concept
The concept of sales holds that consumers, simply left, organizations must carry out aggressive sales and promotion efforts.
Marketing concept
The marketing concept says that the purpose of achieving organizational goals consists in determining the needs and desires of the target market and providing expected satisfaction more effectively and efficiently than competitors.
The concept of social marketing
The concept of social marketing argues that the task of an organization is to determine the needs, desires and interests of the target market and to provide the expected satisfaction in a more effective and efficient manner than competitors, while preserving or improving the welfare of consumers and society.
The Concept of Global Marketing
In this global marketing concept, executive managers try to understand all the environmental factors that influence marketing through sound strategic management. the ultimate goal is to try to fulfill the wishes of all parties involved in the company.
Understanding of Marketing Strategy
Marketing strategy is making decisions about marketing costs, marketing mix, marketing allocation in relation to the expected environmental conditions and competitive conditions. In marketing strategies, there are three main factors that cause changes in marketing strategies, namely:
Product life cycle
The strategy must be adapted to the stages of the life cycle, namely the introductory stage, the stage of growth, the stage of maturity and the stage of decline.
The company's competitive position in the market
Marketing strategies must be adapted to the company's position in the competition, whether leading, challenging, following or only taking a small part of the market.
Economic situation
Marketing strategies must be adapted to the economic situation and outlook, whether the economy is in a prosperous situation or high inflation.